is the hallows birthplace of Siddhartha Gautam, the Shakya prince, the eventual Shakyamuni, and the ultimate Buddha, the Enlightened one. This nativity site, identified by Indian Emperor Ashoka’s Commemorative pillar erected over 2,200 years ago and rediscovered in 1896, is the quintessential Buddhist heritage and world heritage and World Heritage Site.
The main attraction at Lumbini is the sacred Garden that is spread over 8 sq. km and possesses all the treasure of the historic area. The Mayadevi temple as the main attraction for pilgrim and archeologists alike. This is where a bas-relief of Mayadevi. The Buddha’s mother, giving birth to him as two Hindu gods, Barma and Indira, shower him with lotus petals and holly water. There is also a sacred stone marked with a ‘foot imprint’ of emperor Ashoka which had been placed here to mark the exact birthplace. Nearby, to the west of Mayadevi temple, stand the Ashoka in 249 BC to commemorate his pilgrimage to the sacred site. The inscription on it in Brahmin script authenticates Lumbini as the place where the Buddha was born in 623 BC. To the south of the pillar situated sacred pond ‘Puskarni’ where Queen Mayadevi had taken to bath just before giving birth to the Buddha.
The reassure of cultural and archeological riches scattered around Lumbini evokes the time and aura of the Buddha. Moreover, a host of Stupas, monasteries, meditation centers and bahals (courtyards) being constructed in the international Monastery Zone by various countries such as Japan, China, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Sri-Lanka, France and Germany embodying their respective architecture reflects the world brotherhood envisaged by the Apostle of peace some 2,500 years ago. Other sitting places in Lumbini are Kapilvastu, Tilaurakot, Niglihawa, Sagarhawa, Arorkot and Gotihawa.
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