Friday, February 5, 2010

Dashain (Vijaya Dashami) (Sept/October)

is the harvest festival of Nepal celebrated annually in a grand manner. In fact Dashain is the greatest Hindu festival. It is a period of family reunions, the trade of fervent gifts and elderly blessings, profuse Puja, ritual bath and animal sacrifices. As the most auspicious time for certain ‘Tantrik’ rites and yearly pageants, Dashain respects Goddesses Durga; so some call this festival Durga-Puja as well. She was created out of the ‘Shakti’ power of all Gods, armed with weapons from each of them. They many armed goddess, whose decant mount is a ferocious lion, was then dispatched to kill the terrible monster named Mahisasur. Durga’s success symbolized the ultimate victory of the good over the evil. Dashain is celebrated all over the Nepalese Kingdom and is anticipated with the same anxiousness as the Christmas season in the western Hemisphere. On the concluding day of the festival called the Tika the elders of the family give Tika to their junior members and to other relatives who may also come to seek their blessings. Family feasting & feting of guests is a common practice at this time.

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