Syangja District is a famous of being Hindu Temples , situated in the middle of a Nepal(PASCHIMANCHAL). It is roughly 369 km west of kathmandu and 150km from pokhara. One of the most popular village of syangja is MIRMEE it was more popular after or finished of hydroproject work in 2006. This project make more of the village beautyful and easyly reached everywhere by vachale. Kaligandaki River is Rafting area and nowdasy there are another motor rafting (steember) is also available 7 km water travel seeing flora & severel natural veiws. Bigest Ritual worship(STIBENI SELA ) flowed by liberal picnic is a frequent phenomenon every Saturday. Mirmee is also known as capital of Syangja once during the olden days. It is situated 20km West Syangja putalibazar city. Today it is the treasure home of medieval arts and architectures. According to a legend this city was founded in 889 AD by the King Sangan Dev who belonged to the famous Lichhivi dynasty.The whole city takes the shape of a David’s Star.Syangja signifies the “city of Devotees”, with the sole majority of Hindus.The urban sector covers an area of 4 square miles. Pottery plus weaving from its traditional industries. In syangja you willVisit the ALAM DEVI most popular temples.one each of which stands a pair of figures two famous strong men.
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